DIAL's Contribution to Sustainability in the Oilfield

A Conscious Effort to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Production Operations

  • Remote control and operation
  • Smarter and more efficient use of produced gas
  • Eliminates need to mobilize equipment for wireline and tractor intervention
  • Smarter and more efficient injection gas distribution
  • Can be powered by solar panel

Discover how you can reduce your carbon intensity during Gas Lift Production

Silverwell has developed a simple calculator as an industry tool so anyone can estimate and quantify GHG reduction based on production increase and gas injection reduction for all gas lifted wells. It applies to all traditional and surface controlled gas lifted wells regardless of vendor or specific technology.

Request a Silverwell call back to view the full demo.

Discover your maximum production potential

Regardless of the gas lift technology, gas lifted wells can be optimized to increase production.

Can optimization reduce your gas injection requirements?

Some wells might be over-injected; others might be able to use less gas when it is injected deeper.

The industry’s embrace of these technologies and this type of analysis will lead us to brighter future in which we are more responsible and better stewards of the Earth’s resources.

Learn how Silverwell developed the equations to estimate how their DIAL system can reduce Carbon Intensity in surface controlled gas lifted wells.

Request a full demo

Contact Silverwell to let us maximize your production.

Green Slide revised
  1. Reduced Gas Flaring

    Smarter and more efficient use of produced gas, vastly reducing the need for flaring

    Learn more

  2. Reduced Emissions

    Smarter and more efficient use of lift gas can allows the operator to better control CO­­2 emissions with respect to production.

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  3. Reduced Environmental Footprint

    In Situ wells reduce oil productions environmental footprint with respect to both physical footprint and emissions.

    • No gas compression facilities or electrical / gas infrastructure required
    • No waste associated with power generation or workovers related to ESPs

    Learn more

Want to learn how DIAL can optimize your gas lifted wells?